Pablo Picazo Sanchez

Pablo Picazo Sanchez

Assistant Professor at Halmstad University


I am an Assistant Professor working at Halmstad University and a guest researcher at Chalmers Technical University. Prior to this, I worked as an Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. I held a 5-years PostDoc position at Chalmers, Sweden. I got my PhD in 2016 from Carlos III University of Madrid. I obtained my BSc in Computer Science in 2010 at UPM University in Madrid and a year later I completed my MSc in Computer Science in 2011 at Carlos III University of Madrid.

My research interests range from systems security to applied cryptography. Over the last years I have worked on a number of areas in these fields, including Web Security, Biometrics or Security in RFID.

Most of my papers and ongoing work are available online; however, if you should require any copy which is not online please e-mail me, and I will do my best.

  • Systems Security
  • NLP
  • Web Security
  • Biometrics
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Applied AI
  • Computational Sociology
  • PhD in Computer Science (Security), 2013-2016

    Carlos III University (UC3M), Madrid

  • MSc in Natural Language Processing (NLP), 2024

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain

  • MSc in Computer Science, 2011

    Carlos III University (UC3M), Madrid

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2010

    Technical University of Madrid (UPM)


  • ppicazo[at]
  • Kristian IV:s väg 3, Högskolan i Halmstad, School of Information Technology, Halmstad, 301 18
  • Room 305b, 3rd floor F building